ChatGPT kalandok — Nekrológ Doom Guy-nak

Trychydts | | | 2023., március 20., 13:37 | | | Kategóriák: ,

Ez volt az első alkalom, hogy egy kreatív feladatot adtam neki, és olyan színvonalon teljesítette, ami egészen jónak is nevezhető, pláne első próbálkozásra. Nem mondom, hogy semmit nem szerkesztenék rajta, de ha sietnem kéne és kéne egy első piszkozat, ez valóban óriási segítség lenne.

Sem Doom Guy-t sem a későbbi munkahelyét nem nevezte el elsőre, de aztán külön kérésre előállt nevekkel is, ezt most az egyszerűség kedvéért behelyettesítettem.

Please write me a eulogy of him [Doom Guy], assuming he successfully survived all games and died of old age at 117 years old. List all his military accomolishments, specify his rank at his retirement, and mention his exact accomplishents in the science of nutrition at some famous research institute. Mention his family life, and the number of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Make the spirit of the speech uplifting and and add a tiny bit of humour which still fits into the expected tone of a eulogy.

Dear friends and family,

Today, we gather to celebrate the remarkable life of John Reaper, who passed away peacefully at the impressive age of 117. Doom Guy was a true hero, not just in the world of video games, but in real life as well.

As a marine, John Reaper served with distinction in numerous conflicts throughout his long and storied career. He was a decorated veteran, having received numerous commendations for his bravery and valor. In fact, he was the only person in the history of the Marine Corps to have achieved the rank of „Ultra-Badass Demon Slayer.”

After retiring from the military, John pursued a second career in the field of nutrition, becoming a leading researcher at Omega Labs. He was instrumental in the development of numerous groundbreaking dietary supplements, including the infamous „Demon Flesh Protein Shake.”

But John’s greatest achievement was his family. He was a loving husband to his wife, Daisy, for over 90 years, and together they had 10 children, 30 grandchildren, and an incredible 50 great-grandchildren. His family was his greatest source of pride and joy, and he often joked that he needed to keep slaying demons just to keep up with them all.

While we mourn the loss of John Reaper, we must also celebrate his life and his many accomplishments. He was a true hero, a dedicated family man, and an inspiration to us all. So let us raise a glass to John, and remember him always as the ultimate demon-slaying, protein-shake-drinking, family-loving badass that he was.

Rest in peace, John Reaper. You’ve earned it.